Online Art Classes and Demonstrations.

Realistic Eye Study
Enjoy this FREE study and learn to render this realistic eye in pastel pencil on Pastelmat paper.
Key Highlights You’ll Learn:
• Techniques to layer and blend colors for depth and texture.
• All about color shapers and how to use them.
• Why the “ugly stage” is a normal part of creating realistic art (and how to push through it!).
• The importance of sharp pencils and how to sand and sharpen them for precision.
• How to use bright or complementary tones to add realism and vibrancy

Glowing Skin Demo
Learn how to draw glowing dark skin tone in this fun and unique study in pastel pencil on Pastelmat.
💡 What you’ll learn in this FREE video:
• How to blend pastel pencils for seamless skin tones.
• Techniques for layering colors to achieve depth and realism.
• See why Pastelmat is a game-changer for pastel artists.

Charcoal Drawing One
COMING SOON! Explore the basics of realism charcoal drawing in this beginner-friendly class. We’ll cover both reduction and additive techniques, focusing on drawing from observation and photo references. You'll master the manipulation of light and shadow by studying tonal values. The course will also introduce realism rendering techniques, emphasizing attention to detail, line, shape, value, texture. Open to all skill levels.

Realism Fluorite in Colored Pencil.
Learn to draw this realistic fluorite crystal with colored pencil on Pastelmat specialty sanded paper. This is a free demonstration with a full supply list. I also offer small supply kits to get you started.
Links for kits:
YouTube Reference Images
Find all the reference images for my online Youtube Demonstrations here!